Vendors Registration

Thank you for your interest in participating as a Vendor at the Wild west Fest On Fire 2024. Please complete below form to register and reserve your spot on our festival. The dates of the Wild West Fest On Fire 2024 are August 9th,10th and 11th 2024. For additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the “Los Organizeros” at!
We have multiple vendors options:
- PAVILION 3m x 3m = 190 EUR (3 day price)
- PAVILION 4m x 4m = 280 EUR (3 day price)
- PAVILION or TRUCK 6m x 3m = 340 EUR (3 day price)
- WOODEN FLOOR 1m2 = 5 EUR (3 day price)
- The price includes an electrical socket and appropriately powerful LED lights;
- The offer is not valid for caterers. If you would like to participate in our festival as a provider of freshly prepared food, please contact us at!

Hvala vam za vaš interes za sodelovanje kot prodajalec na festivalu Wild West Fest On Fire 2024. Prosimo, izpolnite spodnji obrazec za registracijo in rezervacijo svojega prostora na našem festivalu. Datumi festivala Wild West Fest On Fire 2024 so 9., 10. in 11. avgust 2024. Za vsa vprašanja se lahko obrnete na “Los Organizeros” na!
Imamo več možnosti za prodajalce:
- PAVILJON 3m x 3m = 190 EUR (cena za 3 dni)
- PAVILJON 4m x 4m = 280 EUR (cena za 3 dni)
- PAVILJON ali TOVORNJAK 6m x 3m = 340 EUR (cena za 3 dni)
- LESENI POD: 1m2 = 5 EUR (cena za 3 dni)
- V ceno najema sta vključena električna vtičnica in ustrezno močne LED svetilke.
- Ponudba ne velja za gostince. V primeru da bi na našem festivalu želeli sodelovati kot ponudnik sveže pripravljene hrane nas prosim kontaktirajte na!
Vendors Registration
Sorry, but all of the spots for vendors are already taken. You can apply on the waiting list by sending a message to and we will let you know if any of the spots becomes available.