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Wild West Fest On Fire 3-Day Ticket



Your Wild West Fest tickets are valid for whole 3-day festival, you will be able to pick up the tickets at the entrance of the Festival with your identification documents. Free entrance under 15 years old.
In accordance with point 12. of Article 135. of the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-1), the consumer is not entitled to a refund of the purchase price for tickets in the event of his own cancellation.
Vaše tridnevne vstopnice dvignete na vhodu festivala. Prosimo, da s seboj prinesete identifikacijski dokument. Brezplačen vstop za osebe pod 15 let.

V skladu z 12. točko 135. Člena Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-1) potrošnik v primeru lastne odpovedi ni upravičen do povračila kupnine za vstopnice.